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Monday, 27 March 2017

the arts of kapa haka

WALT:what we are learnt this week.

This week room 11 and I learnt a brand new haka in the Park
Estate School hall.

This is how the morning went. first we came in and eat are fruit. Then miss  Aevn  told the class to do are must do,s.(must dos are thing we have to do on are chrome book
it pretty much are work) Each group had different things to but we all had to do are must do,s.What my group had to is read
a school journal and ask ten questions and then solve them.
after morning tea we all need to go to the hall for kapa haka.

After morning play time the hole of room 11 was in the hall with mutua peter teaching us the haka. It took a lot of energy 
 but it was worth it.An hour latter we finished .The hardest 
part for me was the shouting because i always get voice cracks. And the easiest part was the actions because I already knew some.  Image result for haka

The next time i do kapa haka I will try haerder  because last time i didn't give it 100%. This is the end of my blog i hopped you enjoyed and leave a comment to tell me what i can do better next time . 

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

May the force be with you

   WALT: We are learning about forces

Room 11 and I wrote sentences about forces and
we flew paper air planes we also watched videos about Forces!

The hardest part for me was the writing because I just
started so i didn't know what to do and what not to do.   

The easiest part was flying the paper air planes because i already
knew how to.

The next time i do a blog  I will put more detail in to the next one.   
Here is a link to a video that helped me.

This is the end of my writing and I hoped you enjoy.